 Tools and Solutions for Print and Online Publishing

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Partial listing of DITA-FMx users

  • Whitestein Technologies - A pioneer and leading innovator in the area of software agent technologies, autonomic computing, and autonomic communications.
  • WritePoint, Ltd. - WritePoint Ltd. is a leading technical writing and DITA consulting firm that provides effective solutions to your documentation needs. (testimonial)

    DITA-FMx is an incredibly cost-effective tool for those writers who want to get advantages of using DITA while staying with FrameMaker. DITA-FMx provides powerful support for the DITA authoring and publishing process, including handling content filtering, search, and "where used" functionality. If you are moving to DITA and using FrameMaker, you should definitely consider DITA-FMx.

    We are offering DITA-FMx to our clients that use this plugin to produce content with many content variations, customize documentation to different OEM partners, and generate FrameMaker books. What is not less important than powerful features is that DITA-FMx comes with amazing support. Whatever it is - a newbie's question or complicated request - the Leximation team responds instantly and always gives very helpful advice.

    --- Alex Masycheff, Senior XML Project Manager

  • Relativity Technologies - Aligns business and IT through Application Modernization.
  • RADVISION Ltd. - The industry's leading provider of products and technologies for unified visual communications over IP, 3G and emerging IMS/Next Generation networks. (testimonial)

    I use DITA-FMx with FrameMaker v7.2 to convert a specific set of DITA content to a range of FrameMaker books, where each book displays its own unique formatting and structure.

    DITA-FMx has the power to convert dita and/or xml files containing individual topics from within a ditamap to fully-functional FrameMaker books via different applications, where each application produces output each containing its own formatting and structural information.

    --- Andy Lewis

  • Deb Correia - Technical trainer. (testimonial)

    I mainly use DITA-FMx for producing custom training workbooks for FrameMaker and DITA classes. I appreciate the ability to create templates, the Ditaval Manager, setting attributes via a checkbox (especially the fmdpi value!), searching within files, and easily accessing the DITA Reference. I also like the ability to specify a naming convention for new files, including putting them in a folder based on topic type if I choose. More than anything, I appreciate the technical support and troubleshooting help.

    --- Deb Correia

  • Savi Technology, Inc. - A technology and information services company that provides real-time supply chain management and security solutions for commercial, defense and public sector markets worldwide.
  • FABMation GmbH - Specializing in software development, project management and consulting for automation, communication and robotics in the semiconductor, display, and photovoltaic industries.
  • ARTILIUM - The leading developer of Microsoft-based carrier-grade software for mobile networks.
  • Flow Technical Communication - Belgian consultancy firm specializing in outsourced technical writing and FrameMaker- and DITA-related consulting and training services. (testimonial)

    We use DITA-FMx:

    • To author our company-internal content, for example Web content, marketing collateral and knowledge base articles
    • To author our customers' (technical) documentation
    • To teach DITA authoring classes

    What we like about DITA-FMx:

    • DITA-FMx gives the author a complete DITA authoring and publishing environment.
    • DITA-FMx offers good support of advanced DITA features, such as conrefs and ditaval.
    • DITA-FMx comes with excellent support and Help.
    • DITA-FMx has content management features such as "Where Used" and "Search in Files".

    --- Yves Barbion, Managing Director

  • EskoArtwork - A global supplier and integrator of innovative solutions for packaging design, packaging software, commercial printing and professional publishing. (testimonial)

    Our documentation team has been using DITA-FMx since January 2008, and we've found that it brings the same kind of author-centric tools and shortcuts to DITA editing that has made FrameMaker such a popular tool for technical writers. No other DITA editor can match FrameMaker with the DITA-FMx plug-in, in our experience: from automatic file naming to advanced conditional text (ditaval) features, DITA-FMx has it all and it keeps getting better with every release.

    --- David Heijl, Manager Software Documentation and Localization

  • Expert Support Inc. - Technical documentation, training, management, and engineering services.
  • iDTP - Consultancy and support company for technical documentation and information development, FrameMaker and DITA. (testimonial)

    We are offering DITA-FMx to our clients that use this plugin to produce content with many content variations and outputs. DITA-FMx turns out to be very helpfull for technical authors or documentation specialists that start working with DITA and FrameMaker. DITA-FMx integrates perfectly in the FrameMaker environment and adds the functionality that one needs to work effectively with DITA.

    --- Wim Hooghwinkel

Note: This is an opt-in list. If you'd like to be added, please contact us!

DITA-FMx is a set of plugins and structure applications that provide enhanced authoring and publishing of DITA XML files in FrameMaker. DITA-FMx is a complete DITA authoring and publishing solution.

DITA-FMx News!

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.09 Update - 23 January 2023

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.08 Update - 12 October 2020

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.07 Update - 28 April 2019

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.06 Update - 20 November 2017

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.05 Update - 14 September 2016

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.04 Update - 14 September 2015

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.03 Update - 31 March 2015

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.02 Update - 10 August 2014

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0.01 Update - 9 June 2014

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 2.0 - 14 April 2014

» New Adobe FrameMaker XML Author and FrameMaker 12 seamlessly integrate with the XDocs CCMS - 12 March 2014

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 1.1.18 Update - 14 January 2014

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 1.1.17 Update - 25 November 2013

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 1.1.16 Update - 1 December 2012

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 1.1.15 Update - 30 July 2012

» FMx-Auto now available for trial and purchase! - 5 February 2012

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 1.1.14 Update - 31 January 2012

» FMx-Auto now available for BETA testing! - 6 June 2011

» Leximation Releases DITA-FMx 1.1.13 Update - 6 June 2011

» DITA-FMx is now FREE for the unemployed! If you're unemployed, let us know and we'll give you a free DITA-FMx license. (details)

» SDL and Leximation Team Up to Deliver World-Class DITA Solution for Users of Adobe FrameMaker - 24 August 2010

» DITA-FMx / XDocs CMS Webinar - Presented on 30 July 2009

  • DITA-FMx 2.0 supports the DITA 1.2 specification and FrameMaker versions 7.2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2020.

    DITA-FMx 2.0 provides all of the functionality from DITA-FMx 1.1 plus support for DITA 1.2 along with a number of other enhancements and updates. To compare the features provided by DITA-FMx with those provided by various versions of FrameMaker, see FrameMaker DITA Feature Comparison. Because DITA-FMx produces 100% compliant DITA files, it can be used side-by-side with other DITA XML editors.

    So, what's the plan for DITA 1.3? Check here for DITA 1.3 Support in DITA-FMx.

    A fully functional 30-day trial is available, so feel free to download and give it a test drive. DITA-FMx is priced at USD$235 for a single user license with a 10% discount for 5 or more licenses. A 25-user "site" license is available for $3525 (the cost of 15 individual licenses). A licensed user is allowed to install DITA-FMx on all supported versions of FrameMaker and on multiple systems provided that the installations are not used simultaneously by different people. Download.

  • DITA-FMx 1.1 supports the DITA 1.1 specification and FrameMaker versions 7.2, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Existing DITA-FMx 1.1 users can download the latest update (1.1.18) from their Tool Administration page. New users should purchase DITA-FMx 2.0 (it provides everything in DITA-FMx 1.1 and more!)

  • DITA-FMx 1.0 supports DITA 1.0 and FrameMaker versions 7.2 and 8. This version remains available for those who aren't ready to upgrade. We do suggest that you try the 1.1 version since it should allow you to continue working with your customized 1.0 structure applications, while providing added functionality. Download.

  • DITA-FMx 0.0 supports DITA 1.0 and FrameMaker versions 7.1 and 7.2. DITA-FMx 0.0 is free, and will continue to be available for those who need to work with DITA in FrameMaker 7.1 or those who are happy with the limited features that it provides. No further development or enhancements will be made to this version. Note that the FM7.1 version does not support the DITA map to FM book conversion. Download.

Randomly selected user quote:

Our documentation team has been using DITA-FMx since January 2008, and we've found that it brings the same kind of author-centric tools and shortcuts to DITA editing that has made FrameMaker such a popular tool for technical writers. No other DITA editor can match FrameMaker with the DITA-FMx plug-in, in our experience: from automatic file naming to advanced conditional text (ditaval) features, DITA-FMx has it all and it keeps getting better with every release.

--- David Heijl, Manager Software Documentation and Localization, EskoArtwork

» New Features in DITA-FMx 2.0

  • Support for Lightweight DITA! (as of 2.0.06)
  • Support for DITA 1.2 features (while still supporting earlier models).
  • Supports key-based referencing of files (via keyrefs and conkeyrefs) and content (as "key element references").
  • Key space management optionally filtered by ditaval. Automatic resolution and generation of key spaces.
  • Key-based glossary term referencing including optional use of <glossSurfaceForm> and <glossAlt> content.
  • Conref range support.
  • Include content from non-DITA sources with the new coderef element.
  • More robust support for FrameMaker variables.
  • New Generate Book from Map dialog makes it easier to publish DITA maps to FM books.
  • Auto-prolog options now apply to maps as well as topics.
  • Automatically add author and date to <draft-comment> elements.
  • Control when <navtitle> elements are added to maps (useful for environments migrating from DITA 1.1).
  • Additional support for specialized table formatting (row and cell shading and table indenting).
  • Support for imagemap and hotspot development.
  • Minor updates and bug fixes. Complete revision history

» DITA-FMx Feature Overview

  • Automatically generate a map and stub topic files from a simple tabbed list or text file.
  • New file names automatically generated based on proposed title and building-block data (unique ID, topic type, date, time, etc.).
  • "Save View Settings" command (no need to modify the templates to set custom view options).
  • Select custom element template when creating a new file so you start off with the whole topic structure in place.
  • Automatically add and update prolog data on file creation and file save.
  • Allow the use of FM variables in DITA files and generated FM files.
  • Reference Report command generates a report listing all references in the current map or topic.
  • Generate a ZIP archive from all files referenced by the current map or topic.
  • Supports the use of graphic overlay objects (callouts) for FM-rendered output.
  • Ditaval Manager allows you to create and manage ditaval files from within FrameMaker.
  • Supports filtering in generated FM files by applying conditions based on a ditaval file.
  • Search for content in files on disk based on text, element, or attribute values.
  • Where Used command generates a report listing all places a topic or element is referenced as a conref.
  • Context sensitive help (Alt+F1) on DITA elements, can be customized to add your specialized elements.
  • Generate a PDF-ready FrameMaker book from a DITA map or bookmap; automatically apply pagination, numbering, custom templates, etc.
  • Generate output from the current map or topic through the DITA Open Toolkit.
  • Also, complete CMS integration with .. Bluestream XDocs 4.x, using the XDocsFMx connector.

DITA-FMx 2.0 Detailed Feature List (click)

» DITA-FMx Support and Training

Leximation provides free email support for installation and usage issues. We are also happy to offer a phone and/or web conference to discuss the benefits of DITA-FMx and show you how it can integrate with your authoring/publishing workflow. Feel free to contact us if you're interested.

For notification of updates and to discuss issues with other DITA-FMx users, subscribe to the dita-fmx-users Yahoo group.

The following companies offer DITA-FMx support and training:

  • InfoParse, Inc. - InfoParse, aka Mr. DITA Japan, offers a variety of DITA-related tools and workshops. Provides training modules to train your team on the topics with your choice of FrameMaker-compatible CCMSs (DITAToo, XDocs, Vasont, and AEM) in DITA environments.
  • Publishing Smarter - One of the original template developers of Adobe FrameMaker's DITA functions, we continue to develop applications (EDD, templates, etc) for our clients. We provide file conversion, content analysis, and provide online or classroom based DITA-FMx training.
  • Flow Technical Communication, bvba - Flow is a communication consultancy firm, specializing in: Technical writing and user documentation design, Information modeling with DITA, and FrameMaker / DITA training. Flow offers client-site and web-based DITA-FMx training.


Due to Adobe's mid-release update of the FDK, there are two versions of DITA-FMx 2.0.08 for FM 2020. If you're up to date with FrameMaker updates, the default DITA-FMx installer will work for you. But, if you're on release 16.0.2 or earlier, please contact Leximation to get the installer that supports the early releases.


Due to Adobe's mid-release update of the FDK, DITA-FMx will not work on FM 17.0.4 or later. Do not install the FM updates after "Update 3" (17.0.3)! If you've installed the 17.0.4 update, you can reinstall 17.0.3 by downloading the Update 3 installer (under "Download previous versions > September 2022 release"). If you have any questions, please contact Leximation.

Buy DITA-FMx v.2.0.09 (Windows; FrameMaker v.7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)

» XDocsFMx - Connector for the XDocs CMS

» DITA-FMx 1.0

» DITA-FMx 0.0